Veggies that children love to grow and eat!

Peas are always a fun vegetables to grow with children as you can eat them straight from the plant! They are actually quite simple to grow from seedlings and do not take too long to mature to pods full of edible peas. 

Peas are a good source of fibre, vitamins including the B group, C and K, and minerals and can be eaten raw or cooked.

Small children often like to grow and pick carrots. They grow best from seed and prefer not to be transplanted or moved once established. As the seeds are very tiny try mixing the seeds with sand to help evenly spread out the plantings. Children will love to help with sprinkling the seeds along a narrow channel in the garden and covering gently with soil and patting down. Make sure you keep them damp and they will start to pop up through the soil in no time. Carrots and other root vegetables like parsnip do not need any fertiliser (such as blood and bone or manure) as fertiliser will cause the vegetables to develop odd shapes. 

For more carrot growing tips see here (

Carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, as beta-carotene, and other vitamins and minerals, and like peas can be eaten raw or cooked.

Beetroot are fun to grow as well as they are a very colourful root. They are easily planted as seeds or seedlings and can be grown all year round. They are good sources of dietary fibre, Vitamin C, folate, iron, magnesium and anti-oxidants. Beetroot can be eaten raw or cooked and can also be pickled and enjoyed as part of your summer salads or in a salad sandwich. 

For more information see here. (

There are many other vegetables that children will love to help growing in the garden, including a range of herbs!

Kristi Germaine